How Do You Lower Creatinine Levels: 10 Home Remedies

Multiple mechanisms exist in our bodies to eliminate toxic wastes. Nevertheless, you may experience complications like high creatinine levels when the mechanisms neglect. Such complications may cause serious health risks.

If you are wondering what the optimum creatinine levels are and why they should exist balanced, this article may aid articulate your doubts. Read on to larn more than about the causes of high creatinine levels, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options.

What Is Creatinine?

Creatinine is a metabolic product of creatine and a by-product of muscle metabolism (1). Creatine is a significant molecule that helps in the production of free energy and improves exercise functioning (2).

About 2% of your body's creatine is converted to creatinine and transported to your kidneys via the bloodstream. Your kidneys filter out most of the creatinine and eliminate information technology from your trunk through urine.

Low urine creatinine levels may be an indication of high blood creatinine, and it could exist a crusade for business organisation in some cases.

The following nautical chart discusses the normal and abnormal ranges of creatinine levels co-ordinate to one'southward historic period, gender, muscle mass, etc.

Creatinine: Ideal Levels

The creatinine levels in your body are ordinarily dependent on your muscle mass, gender, age, and other health factors. They are often measured in milligrams per deciliter

Developed Males 0.9 to 1.3 mg/dl
Adult Females 0.7-1.1 mg/dl
Infants 0.2 mg/dl
Individuals with only one kidney 1.8 to i.9 mg/dl

Older people have lower creatinine levels than normal adults, and bodybuilders may have higher creatinine levels than well-nigh adults. This is because older individuals have macerated muscles while bodybuilders have more than muscles equally compared to most normal individuals. Besides, individuals with any musculus-related disorder(s) may have significantly lower creatinine levels.

Why Should Creatinine Levels Be Lowered?

High blood creatinine can pose the following dangers if left untreated.

  • May Damage Kidneys

Elevated creatinine levels, if left untreated, can damage kidneys. Renal failure may also occur if blood creatinine levels exceed the natural limits or with the intake of excess creatine supplements (five).

  • May Increase The Adventure Of Cardiovascular Affliction

College creatinine levels increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease (six).

  • May Atomic number 82 To Respiratory Disorders

An increase in creatinine levels may lead to respiratory disorders (seven). However, the relationship between elevated creatinine levels and respiratory disorders remains unclear.

How To Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Kidney stone formation may slightly elevate serum creatinine levels (8). Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which may lower the risk of kidney rock formation (9). Its antimicrobial properties may help ward off bacterial infections and may preclude your blood creatinine levels from increasing. But, scientific research is lacking in this aspect.

Add together a tablespoon of apple tree cider vinegar to a drinking glass of warm water and mix well. Add some dearest to this solution. Drink this solution once daily, preferably with a high-carbohydrate diet.

ii. Bitter Gourd

Biting gourd is a rich source of various minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and cobweb. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it may act as a natural diuretic, improves claret circulation, and tonifies your kidneys to help lower your blood creatinine levels naturally. Nonetheless, limited research is available in this regard.
Drink one-half a cup of biting gourd juice one time daily.


Do not consume biting gourd or its juice in excess. A study on mice has shown that 4000 mg/kg is the tolerable range. Any dose exceeding this is nephrotoxic (10). Nonetheless, man studies are to be conducted in this regard.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is thought to be a natural diuretic. Some believe it may also improve the kidneys' filtration abilities – though more research is warranted to understand this. Only cinnamon does regulate the body's creatinine levels (11).

Mix ½ a tablespoon of cinnamon in warm water or nutrient and consume once a day.

4. Chamomile Tea

Ingestion of chamomile tea may lower high creatinine levels (12).

Add chamomile herb to a loving cup of hot h2o. Let it to steep for at least 10 minutes. Strain and add together a little dearest. You can accept chamomile tea 3 to 4 times daily.

5. Green Tea

Green tea is a natural antioxidant and has diuretic backdrop (13). The diuretic nature of green tea may help better the filtration ability of your kidneys and increases urine output – thereby lowering creatinine levels (14).

Steep a green tea pocketbook in a cup of hot water for nigh x minutes. Allow information technology to absurd for a while and add some honey. You can drink green tea 2 to 3 times daily.

half dozen. Garlic

Garlic is a natural antioxidant and also acts as a diuretic. It helps flush out toxic waste from your body and may help lower blood creatinine levels (15), (16). Garlic also increases the levels of plasma iron and improves hemoglobin levels (17).

Y'all tin chew four to 5 garlic cloves or you lot can add minced garlic to your salads and other foods. You must do this one to ii times daily.

7. Ginger

Ginger contains flavonoids and ethanol that showroom antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help protect your kidneys from damage and injury and lower the creatinine levels in your body (xviii), (xix).

Add an inch of ginger to a loving cup of hot water and permit information technology to steep for at least x minutes. Add a little honey and eat immediately. You tin can drink this ginger tea thrice daily for optimum benefits.

8. Cranberry Juice

Cranberries contain quinic acid that protects your kidneys from stone formation (20), (21).

Beverage a medium cup of cranberry juice one time a day.

9. Kokosnoot Water

Tender coconut water is a rich source of vitamin C that tin lower your creatinine levels and go on your kidneys healthy and rock-free (22).

Have a glass of tender coconut water once a solar day.


Avoid consuming more than than one glass of coconut h2o in a solar day. Anecdotal bear witness suggests that it may bear on your kidneys.

ten. Olive oil

Olive oil exhibits anti-urolithic activities that can help prevent the germination of kidney stones. Information technology may also reduce creatinine levels in the blood (23).

Add a tablespoon of olive oil to your salad or pasta in one case daily.


Avert heating olive oil too much while using information technology in nutrient preparations.

In improver to including these foods in your diet, y'all may also need to avoid certain foods to lower creatinine levels.

What Foods Should Be Avoided If Creatinine Levels Are High?

  • Spinach

Spinach is high in potassium. Additionally, it is besides high in oxalates and may increase the risk of kidney stones (24).

  • Canned Foods

Canned foods are loftier in sodium. It is added every bit a preservative to increase the shelf life. This sodium may have detrimental effects on kidney function and may also worsen existing symptoms (25).

  • Dairy Products

Dairy products are a rich source of phosphorus. Individuals with chronic kidney illness should limit the consumption of dairy as this phosphorus may interfere calcium balance (26). It also may lead to a buildup of poly peptide waste in the body and exert pressure level on the kidneys.

  • Beverages

Colored beverages are loaded with phosphorus to enhance their advent and taste. All the same, if you are having any kidney complications, it is improve to avoid all kinds of bogus beverages as their phosphorus content can burden the kidneys (27).

  • Whole Wheat Bread

Whole wheat bread is rich in phosphorus, potassium, and sodium, and may be unsuitable for people with kidney-related ailments. The whole grains in whole wheat bread may have a higher percent of sodium than that of white bread (28).

In addition to these, processed foods, fried chips, and pickles are also to be avoided because of their high sodium content.

Here is what you can practice reduce the take chances of high creatinine levels in your blood.

Preventive Tips

  • Avoid taking creatinine supplements as they may increase the run a risk of creatinine deposition. Notwithstanding, there is only limited research in this regard.
  • Reduce protein intake as information technology may aggravate poly peptide deposits in the body and fasten creatinine levels (29).
  • Consume more fiber-rich foods similar whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits (30).
  • Anecdotal show suggests that excess intake of salt may take detrimental effects on kidney function. So, it is brash to reduce excessive salt intake.
  • Practice yoga asanas like Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist) later on consulting your doctor.

Causes Of Loftier Creatinine Levels

If the functioning of your kidneys is interrupted or impaired past any condition, information technology can cause your creatinine levels to go high. Some of the nigh common causes of chronic kidney diseases or elevated creatinine levels in adults include:

  • Diabetes

Diabetes may sometimes lead to an increase in creatinine levels (31).

  • Loftier Blood Pressure

Uncontrolled blood pressure levels may outcome in an meridian of creatinine levels in the trunk (32).

  • Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections may crusade a spike in creatinine levels. Still, clear inquiry is defective in this regard.

  • Drugs Like Cimetidine

Cimetidine is used to treat tum acidity and peptic ulcers. Regular consumption of cimetidine may increment the levels of creatinine (33).

Symptoms Of High Creatinine Levels

The symptoms of high blood creatinine levels and kidney dysfunction often vary widely and may not be correlated to each other. Some individuals may have astringent kidney disease and high creatinine levels without displaying whatsoever symptoms, while others commonly develop symptoms like:

  • Swelling or edema
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion

Information technology is very important to get your kidneys diagnosed periodically if you take loftier creatinine levels. Some diagnosis methods that can be used to screen your kidneys for any abnormalities are discussed below.


If your blood examination reveals that you take loftier creatinine levels, you can undergo the following tests:

  • Blood Urea Nitrogen Examination (BUN): This test checks the functioning of your kidneys by measuring the amount of urea nitrogen in your blood. Too much or also piddling urea nitrogen frequently hints at kidney problems.
  • GFR Examination: This exam reveals the filtration charge per unit of the substances through the glomerulus (blood vessels in kidneys). The normal GFR rate is 90 to 120 ml per minute in a healthy adult. Anything less may bespeak kidney malfunction and elevated creatinine levels.
  • Urine Analysis: In this test, urine is analyzed physically and chemically, revealing the presence of poly peptide, glucose, and red blood cells (34).


If left unattended, loftier creatinine levels tin pose a threat to your overall health. Hence, it is of import to have tests done periodically to nip the trouble in the bud. Although the above remedies may lower creatinine levels, it is improve to consult your medico before trying any of them.


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  1. The 2 sides of creatinine: both every bit bad as each other?
  2. International Gild of Sports Nutrition position stand up: creatine supplementation and practice
  3. [Normal ranges of blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels in the community-dwelling elderly subjects aged 70 years or over–correlation between age and renal function]
  4. Neonatal and maternal serum creatinine levels during the early postnatal menses in preterm and term infants
  5. Astute renal failure in a young weight lifter taking multiple food supplements including creatine monohydrate
  6. Serum Creatinine Concentration and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
  7. [Significance of serum creatinine levels in respiratory insufficiency weather]
  8. Kidney Function Later on the Showtime Kidney Stone Event
  9. Prevalence of kidney stones in China: an ultrasonography based cantankerous-sectional study
  10. Impact of Momordica charantia excerpt on kidney office and structure in mice
  11. Efficacy of cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) excerpt to decrease serum creatinine in acute kidney injury induced male wistar rats
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  12. A metabonomic strategy for the detection of the metabolic effects of chamomile (Matricaria recutita 50.) ingestion
  13. Beneficial effects of green tea: A literature review
  14. The Green Tea Polyphenol(—)-epigallocatechin-iii-gallate and its benign roles in chronic kidney illness
  15. Diuretic natriuretic and hypotensive furnishings produced by Allium sativum (garlic) in anaesthetized dogs
  16. Preventive effect of garlic juice on renal reperfusion injury
  17. Influence of garlic or its main agile component diallyl disulfide on iron bioavailability and toxicity
  18. Therapeutic Potential of Ginger against Renal Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Rats
  19. The effect of ginger extract on claret urea nitrogen and creatinine in mice
  20. Result of blackcurrant- cranberry- and plum juice consumption on risk factors associated with kidney stone formation
  21. Influence of cranberry juice on the urinary risk factors for calcium oxalate kidney rock germination
  22. Prophylactic effect of coconut water (Cocos nucifera L.) on ethylene glycol induced nephrocalcinosis in male wistar rat
  23. Antiurolithic effect of olive oil in a mouse model of ethylene glycol-induced urolithiasis
  24. Dietary oxalate and kidney stone germination
  25. Sodium and phosphorus-based food additives: persistent but surmountable hurdles in the management of diet in chronic kidney disease
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  26. Calcium Balance in Chronic Kidney Disease
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  27. Management of Natural and Added Dietary Phosphorus Brunt in Kidney Illness
  28. Differences in the sodium content of breadstuff products in the USA and UK: implications for policy
  29. Imitation Estimates of Elevated Creatinine
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  30. Dietary fiber furnishings in chronic kidney affliction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled feeding trials
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  31. Renal function in diabetic nephropathy
  32. Prevalence of High Blood Pressure level and Elevated Serum Creatinine Level in the United StatesFindings From the Third National Wellness and Nutrition Exam Survey (1988-1994)
  33. A practical approach to glomerular filtration rate measurements: Creatinine clearance estimation using cimetidine
  34. Renal Function Tests

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Aparna is a professor-turned-content writer with over 5 years of feel in life sciences. Her passion for writing and interest... more than


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