2019 Goals Recap

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With 2022 at an cease, it'south a great time to look dorsum and run into whether we accomplished our goals for the year. I know these goals recap posts probably aren't the most engaging – who cares whether some random blogger accomplished her yearly goals? Merely I care, and information technology helps me understand my own personal growth, so hither we are. As well, isn't it fun to read nearly other people'due south ballsy failures?

2019 Goals Recap

Being Happy

My commencement goal for 2022 was only to be happy. Although I had a few downs this year (my cat losing his leg was probably the worst) I can honestly say that I was pretty happy for near of the yr. I had a few opportunities to revisit with old friends who really helped me understand my self and what I want out of life. These visits helped me sympathise my journey to passion fire, and motivated me even more to go after it. I beloved having such a supportive group of friends in my life.

In addition to that, I fabricated a ton of new friends on Twitter, and met a bunch of them in real life at Fincon. Going to that conference was one of the best decisions of my life. It helped me sympathize the blogging earth a lilliputian more, and gave me renewed passion for my blogging journeying.

All of these things – having awesome friendships, rediscovering my passions, and getting positive feedback and motivation for my weblog contributed to my overall happiness in 2019. It'south the simply goal I accomplished, but I'll take that as a win.

Other Personal Goals

My other personal goals had varying degrees of success. I did purchase a house, and renovated the commencement floor (and by flooring, I literally mean the floor). I was hoping to renovate more of it in 2019, just unfortunately other things came upwardly and the renovation took a back seat.

Another personal goal was to consume healthy. I did buy the healthy meal planning bundle on Ultimate Bundles, and found a ton of awesome recipes on it (my favorite is the lentil sausage skillet – and so proficient!). If there's a 2022 packet, you definitely need to go it. Information technology helped me plan cheap, easy meals over the yr – without sacrificing on season.

"2019 goals recap"
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My final personal goal was to maintain my human relationship. Well, we all know how that went. I loved the person that he pretended to be. Fortunately, the stress of the get-go few months in the new house showed me who he really was.  He refused to put whatever try into anything. He but wanted me to take care of him. It was easy for him to pretend to dearest me when I was taking care of everything. He showed his truthful colors when I expected him to step up and contribute.  I'grand thankful for the stress, and that the human relationship ended. I don't want to exist with a user.

This relationship failure did teach me a very valuable lesson though. I demand to finish giving all of myself early on in relationships. I've been taken advantage of twice now as the breadwinner, and it'southward mostly because I requite and requite without laying out expectations of reciprocation. Relationships need to be two- mode streets. If someone refuses to contribute and but wants to be with you when y'all are doing stuff for them, it's probably not a good relationship.

Money Goals

My money goals for 2022 were pretty much all ballsy failures. I really wanted to pay off my credit card debt and go twenty 1000 dollars back into my emergency fund. Those goals are hilarious to me now. I was then naïve.

Instead I spent over four yard dollars on my cat's leg, and another couple of thousands of dollars on "surprise" house things that needed fixing. Backed upwards sewers, leaking bathrooms, and non-working furnaces are nobody's friends. I besides learned how incredibly expensive heating a huge house is. Paying over v hundred dollars a month just on heating the first few months was painful (though I figured out great ways to cut that down this year!). No wonder why I didn't get to whatsoever of my renovations.

I did achieve my terminal money goal though, which was simply to proceed investing. That one was easy, because information technology was on autopilot.  I'm glad I kept those going, the stock market hitting some record highs this twelvemonth and those investments are a large part of my internet worth.

Blog Goals

1 astonishing blog goal that I achieved this year was increasing my readership. At the finish of last twelvemonth, I had rarely hit 1000 users per calendar month. But this year, I hit that number pretty much every month! I was even inching close to 2K per month earlier my reach on Pinterest inexplicably dropped. But, even with that drop off, I've nevertheless had over a thousand people visiting each month, which I think is crawly.

While I succeeded at that awesome readership goal, I failed at pretty much all of my social media goals. I don't know how I managed to get over 3500 Twitter followers in my showtime year,  and only a picayune over a thousand in year two. Admittingly, I wasn't looking for cool accounts to follow most as much this year, and I probably wasn't equally active on the platform. Notwithstanding, I'm adequately sure I can attain the goal of 5000 followers in 2020. I didn't do anything with Facebook, so I saw no growth on that platform. I tried for a few days here and there, simply I know that isn't well-nigh plenty to make a dedicated following.

Instagram wasn't much better. I did endeavor harder on Instagram than I did on Facebook, and I have nigh two thousand followers on the platform, only that'south not plenty to go the coveted "swipe upward" feature or sponsorships.

Lessons Learned from my 2022 Goal Failures

Failing at a goal tin be just as educational equally achieving it. I learned that if I'yard going to have an ambitious goal (like 10K Instagram followers) I need to work on it basically every mean solar day. And if I'g non motivated enough to exercise that, information technology probably shouldn't exist a goal.

I also learned how extremely naïve I was nearly buying a fixer upper. The inspection reports can't be trusted to tell you everything that is wrong. In add-on, information technology costs way more than I anticipated to fix things. I idea I'd exist able to do more myself, but I realized how lost I am when it comes to home improvement. Simply hey, that's 1 dream I can knock off my saucepan list and decide not to practice again! Yay for life experiences!

But I did as well learn something from my goal successes. Being happy is the nearly important goal of all, and I nailed that ane.

What did you larn in 2019? Did you reach whatsoever of your goals?


Source: https://partnersinfire.com/lifestyle/2019-goals-recap/

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